From the Dust | Audiobook

From the Dust | Audiobook


The audiobook is 6 tracks (an hour and a half long) read by yours truly. When you purchase you will receive a private link to listen on Soundcloud.


From the Dust is a work of creative nonfiction that explores some of the most raw and unseen aspects of addiction, identity, and love. To write these stories I went back to the dust of where I came from — to the godforsaken town on the edge of nowhere — to explore all the messy and dark interiors of love and life, what it’s like to be human, and how something beautiful can be built from stepping back into the darkness.

This work of creative nonfiction, which precedes my upcoming memoir, is a crack in the door, an invitation, a tiny offering, a glimpse into the greater, more expanded truths that I will later unfold in my full-length book.

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