we have the time, but do we have the headspace?

Beacon Quarterly, a culture magazine that published one of my essays, put together a feature of writers from around the globe, like a virtual check-in to see how we’re doing through all of this. They also asked us to share a picture of our home workspace and of what we see out our window. This is what I see outside my writing room—an old black walnut tree against an ever-changing sky. 

Reading through the responses of fellow writers truly helped me feel less alone in all of this. There seems to be this unnecessary pressure placed on creatives right now to be productive and complete their great work. I feel it and I think it’s bullshit. If art is healing you, do it. But if it’s not, if it’s too painful, then it’s okay to not force it, y’know? Some of us may have more time to work on our creative pursuits, but just because you have time, doesn’t mean you have the headspace. Personally, I’ve found it incredibly hard to create right now. I haven’t written a thing, I mean, besides what I write on Instagram. And that makes me feel unworthy of my own art because y’know how can you call yourself a writer if you don’t write? Shouldn’t I be using writing to help me through this? Probably. But isolation doesn’t mean productivity. So, if you’re in the same boat, and have found it hard to create right now, it’s okay—you’re not alone. 

Here are a few quotes from the article that helped me feel heard…

“I can’t seem to focus on the task of writing, or really any creative endeavor I hoped to devote more time to in isolation.” - Hanna Brandt, Oregon

“I always remind myself that it’s okay to feel out of spirits and want to take a break from my creative pursuits, because they will always be there waiting for me when I need them.” - Fatima Elmusbahi, UK

“A lot of creatives feel like this should be the perfect time to create, but it's more complicated than that. I am fairly extroverted, drawing a lot of my creative energy through interacting with others, so spending time alone is a double-edged sword.” - Gerard Coletta, New York

Go here for the full article.

How has this time made you feel? Have you created more than usual or have you found it challenging? I’m always here if you need to talk. We truly are all in this together.