doing what you love is not a waste of time

Doing what you love is not a waste of time. ⁣

If you’re waiting for permission to sit around and read books all day because that’s what you love. Here, you have it. Now, sink into the pages and let the productivity-guilt go. If you’re waiting for someone to tell you that it’s a smart choice to quit your mind-numbing job in pursuit of focusing on a job you love but may not be as stable or stable at all, well, you’ll be waiting forever. So fuck ‘em. Do it anyway because doing what you love is not a waste of time. It IS time. It’s YOUR time. Spend it doing the things you want to do. Or do nothing, if that’s the thing you want to do. You don’t have to have a reason other than, well, you love it. That’s it. You don’t have to explain yourself or have this deep grandiose why.

I’m a hyper-productive person by nature, like I felt guilty for writing unless I was going to “do something” with it and I felt lazy if I wanted to sit and read all day. But one thing living through a pandemic has taught me is that productivity is bullshit. Unless you love it, then by all means, rock on. But what I’m saying is, don’t do all the things just because you think you should do all the things, or because someone else is, or because you read some annoying article that said that’s what the most successful people do. First off, define success. Second, just no. ⁣

I know we all have to do things we don’t want to do sometimes, y’know like pay our bills and floss our teeth and hold back from having that second bowl of Cocoa Pebbles, but this is exactly my point. We have to do so much shit we don’t want to do, so why spend any second of our life not doing the things we love when we can actually do them. ⁣

Things I love doing:⁣
Cuddling my dogs, writing for hours on end, reading until my eyes get blurry, talking about art and life with Perry, drinking coffee, listening to music at a ridiculous volume while cooking, fantasizing about Angelina Jolie, eating kid cereal, hiking, watching the same episodes of The Office over and over, practicing yoga, and reading in the sun. ⁣