keep going

Today I pitched literary agents for seven hours straight. How many do you think I contacted? Go ahead, take a guess—what number comes to mind? You’d think I’d be able to send a lot of queries in seven whole hours, and well, technically I could have. But I didn’t. I sent SEVEN. That works out to one agent an hour. The thing is, every pitch I send is tailored to each agent and I do tons of research in order to tailor that pitch genuinely. I also want to know as much as I can about an agent before deciding to pitch them. This whole process is incredibly personal and intentional to me because I believe that the agent/author relationship is sacred and it’s a relationship that I want to last throughout my writing career. This part of the journey can be exhausting and emotionally draining, but I am so grateful to be here. I am reveling in the waiting, trusting the process, and will not stop pitching because I believe in this story and the work and heart I’ve put into it. Call me stubborn, determined, idealistic, delusional—it’s probably all true.

If there is something you’re working toward that requires long hours, all of your heart, and intentional focus, KEEP GOING. Rest if you need to, but keep going. Persistence is key.

In the wise words of Tobias Wolff—the author of one of my favorite memoirs, This Boy’s Life — “We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are.”

Boom. I’m not saying it’s not going to be hard because man, does it fucking suck sometimes, but what do you gain from giving up? Remember why you started and tap into that initial passion. And on the days when you feel like you want to say fuck it, I’m here if you need to talk, vent, cry, rage—all the things. I feel you and I can almost guarantee that I’ve been there in one way or another.

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