words after dark - candy by luke davies

I’ve been stepping in and out of the world of Candy for over a decade. I wrote my college thesis on the book using deconstruction theory to unpack all the magic it contains. I’d love to read this book to you, chapter by chapter, but I imagine that maybe that’s asking for too much of your attention. So, I’ll leave you with this excerpt of the chapter titled Truth 1: Dreams. It’s four minutes and it’s beautiful. ⁣

These words from Luke Davies really hit home for me right now. The unease, the lack of control, the helplessness, the disappointment, and most of all, the fear. Oceans of it. This is the world right now, this is real life. But still, even as hopeless as everything feels, these words, as raw and dark as they are, heal my weary soul. I’m left asking, “What’s outside the mist?”